NGINX vs. Apache (vs. Both Combined) - What’s the Best Web Server?

Explore the key differences between NGINX and Apache, and find out when combining both web servers can offer the best of both worlds for performance and flexibility.

Publish date: 10/20/2024

NGINX and Apache are two of the most popular open-source web servers, each with its own strengths and use cases.

And while they are often seen as competitors, they can also work together.

That said, in this article, we'll explore the key aspects of NGINX and Apache, as well as how they can be combined to leverage the best of both worlds, helping you make an informed decision for your web projects.

But first:

Understanding web servers

Before we compare NGINX and Apache, let's clarify what a web server is.

In simple terms, a web server is software that delivers web content to clients (usually web browsers) over the internet using the HTTP protocol.

It handles incoming requests, processes them, and sends back the appropriate responses, which can be static files like HTML pages and images or dynamic content generated by server-side scripts.

Apache: The veteran web server

Apache HTTP Server, commonly known as Apache, has been around since 1995 and played a crucial role in the growth of the early web.

Developed and maintained by the Apache Software Foundation, it quickly became the most widely used web server. Even today, Apache powers around 30% of websites worldwide.

Apache's key features

  1. Modularity: Apache is renowned for its extensive module system, which allows developers to extend its functionality by adding or removing modules. This flexibility enables users to customize their server according to their specific needs.

  2. Multi-Processing Modules (MPMs): Apache offers various MPMs that determine how it handles HTTP requests. The main MPMs are:

    • prefork: A non-threaded MPM where each child process handles one request at a time.
    • worker: A hybrid MPM that creates multiple child processes, each with its own set of worker threads to handle requests concurrently.
    • event: Similar to the worker MPM but optimized for handling keep-alive connections efficiently.
  3. Dynamic content processing: Apache has built-in support for server-side scripting languages like PHP, Perl, and Python. It can process dynamic content natively without relying on external components.

  4. Access control: Apache provides granular access control through its mod_authz_host module, allowing administrators to restrict access based on IP addresses, hostnames, or request characteristics.

  5. Compatibility: Apache supports a wide range of operating systems, including Unix-like systems (Linux, macOS) and Microsoft Windows. It is also compatible with numerous web development technologies and frameworks.

NGINX: The high-performance contender

NGINX, pronounced as "engine-x," was released in 2004 by Igor Sysoev to address the limitations of existing web servers in handling a large number of concurrent connections (the C10K problem).

With its asynchronous, event-driven architecture, NGINX quickly gained popularity for its high performance, scalability, and efficient resource utilization.

NGINX's key features

  1. Event-driven architecture: NGINX uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that allows it to handle a massive number of concurrent connections with minimal resource overhead. This architecture enables NGINX to scale effortlessly to handle high traffic loads.

  2. Reverse proxy and load balancing: NGINX excels as a reverse proxy server, acting as an intermediary between clients and backend servers. It can distribute incoming traffic across multiple servers, improving performance, scalability, and reliability. NGINX's load balancing capabilities help optimize resource utilization and ensure high availability.

  3. Static content serving: NGINX is known for its exceptional performance in serving static content. It can efficiently cache and deliver static files like HTML pages, images, and JavaScript files, reducing the load on backend servers.

  4. Dynamic content processing: Unlike Apache, NGINX does not have built-in support for dynamic content processing. Instead, it relies on external processors like PHP-FPM (FastCGI Process Manager) to handle dynamic requests. NGINX acts as a proxy, forwarding requests to the appropriate backend server and returning the generated content to the client.

  5. Configuration simplicity: NGINX's configuration files are known for their simplicity and readability. The configuration syntax is straightforward and easy to understand, making it easier to manage and maintain compared to Apache's more complex configuration.

Comparing NGINX and Apache

Now that we have an overview of NGINX and Apache, let's compare them in various aspects to help you make an informed decision.


In terms of raw performance, NGINX generally outperforms Apache, especially when it comes to serving static content and handling a high number of concurrent connections. NGINX's event-driven architecture allows it to efficiently utilize system resources, resulting in faster response times and higher throughput.

However, Apache's performance can be optimized using the appropriate MPM and configuration settings. The worker and event MPMs offer improved concurrency handling compared to the traditional prefork MPM.


NGINX is designed to scale seamlessly to accommodate growing traffic demands.

Its lightweight and efficient architecture allows it to handle a large number of simultaneous connections with minimal resource consumption. This makes NGINX an excellent choice for high-traffic websites and applications that require horizontal scalability.

Apache, on the other hand, can struggle with scalability due to its process-based architecture.

Each connection requires a dedicated thread or process, which can quickly consume system resources as the number of concurrent connections increases. However, using the worker or event MPM can improve Apache's scalability to a certain extent.

Flexibility and extensibility

Apache is known for its extensive module ecosystem, which provides a wide range of functionality and customization options.

With Apache's dynamic module loading, you can easily add or remove modules to tailor your server's capabilities to your specific requirements.

NGINX also supports modules, but they need to be compiled into the core software.

While this approach offers better performance and security, it limits the flexibility of dynamically loading modules on-the-fly. However, NGINX's module ecosystem is growing, and many third-party modules are available to extend its functionality.


Both NGINX and Apache are secure web servers when properly configured and maintained. They provide various security features and configurations to protect against common web attacks.

Apache offers granular access control through the mod_authz_host module, allowing you to restrict access based on IP addresses, hostnames, or request characteristics. It also supports SSL/TLS encryption to secure client-server communication.

NGINX provides security features like rate limiting to protect against DDoS attacks, IP-based access control, and support for the latest TLS versions. NGINX's lightweight architecture and smaller codebase also reduce the attack surface compared to Apache.

Community and support

Apache has a large and active community, with extensive documentation and resources available. It has been around for decades, and its popularity has resulted in a wealth of online forums, tutorials, and community-driven support.

NGINX also has a growing community and provides comprehensive documentation and resources. The NGINX Plus subscription offers direct support from the NGINX team, which can be beneficial for mission-critical deployments.

Use cases

Based on the comparison above, let's explore some common use cases and which web server might be more suitable:

  1. High-traffic websites: If you have a website that receives a large amount of traffic and requires high concurrency, NGINX is an excellent choice. Its event-driven architecture and efficient resource utilization make it well-suited for handling a high volume of simultaneous connections.

  2. Serving static content: If your website primarily serves static content like images, HTML pages, and JavaScript files, NGINX's performance in serving static files is unmatched. It can efficiently cache and deliver static content, reducing the load on backend servers.

  3. Dynamic content: If your website heavily relies on server-side scripting languages like PHP, Perl, or Python, Apache's built-in support for dynamic content processing can be advantageous. However, NGINX can still handle dynamic content by integrating with external processors like PHP-FPM.

  4. Reverse proxy and load balancing: NGINX excels as a reverse proxy server and load balancer. If you need to distribute incoming traffic across multiple backend servers or improve the performance and scalability of your application, NGINX's reverse proxy and load balancing capabilities make it a strong choice.

  5. Flexibility and customization: If you require a high level of flexibility and customization, Apache's extensive module ecosystem and dynamic module loading can be beneficial. You can easily extend Apache's functionality by adding or removing modules as needed.

Combining NGINX and Apache

While NGINX and Apache are often compared as alternatives, they can actually work together in a complementary manner.

A common setup is to use NGINX as a reverse proxy in front of Apache, leveraging the strengths of both web servers.

In this setup, NGINX handles the incoming requests, serves static content, and acts as a load balancer. It then forwards dynamic requests to Apache, which processes them using its built-in support for server-side scripting languages.

This combination allows you to benefit from NGINX's high performance and scalability while still utilizing Apache's rich feature set and module ecosystem.

To learn more about setting up NGINX as a reverse proxy for Apache, check out our in-depth guides:

Comparing NGINX and Apache with other web servers

While NGINX and Apache are the most popular web servers, there are other notable options worth considering.

For a broader comparison of web servers, including LiteSpeed, OpenLiteSpeed, and Caddy, check out our comprehensive article: Comparing Apache, NGINX, LiteSpeed, OpenLiteSpeed, and Caddy.


Ultimately, the decision between NGINX and Apache (or both) comes down to your specific needs and the nature of your web projects.

Both NGINX and Apache are powerful and reliable web servers with their own strengths and use cases.

If you prioritize high performance, scalability, and efficient handling of a large number of concurrent connections, NGINX is an excellent choice. Its event-driven architecture and lightweight design make it well-suited for high-traffic websites and applications.

On the other hand, if you require extensive flexibility, a wide range of modules, and built-in support for dynamic content processing, Apache's rich ecosystem and long-standing popularity make it a solid option.

Or, hey, why not both...

Thanks for reading!

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